
Buy it and read along!

Happy midweek chapter surprise!!! I pretty much figured out what this meant but it’s always good to quote Wikipedia.

rake, short for rakehell, is a historic term applied to a man who is habituated to immoral conduct, frequently a heartless womanizer. Often a rake was a man who wasted his (usually inherited) fortune on gamblingwine, women and song, incurring lavish debts in the process. The rake was also frequently a man who seduced a young woman and impregnated her before leaving, often to her social or financial ruin.

I guess I need to post each audio file separately for my feed burner to huck it out to iTunes as a podcast, so nothing new here. But you should subscribe to me. Yes, yes. Please do…


A Nice Young Gentleman Edits Smut: Good Groom Hunting – Chapter 3, PARTY MIX!!

Buy it. You know you want to.

The hot&steamy ramps up hardXcore in chapter three! So much so that I have identified new words that are difficult for me to say. Don’t worry. I’m practicing. Roll over to see the word woefully missing due to my inescapable Puritan roots:  (cock)

SPEAKING OF PRACTICING, those of us who are not super history buffs (even though I have a degree in it) need a vocab lesson for this chapter:

The ton is a term commonly used to refer to Britain’s high society during the Georgian era, especially the Regency and reign of George IV. It comes from the French word meaning “taste” or “everything that is fashionable” and is pronounced the same way as tone. The full phrase is le bon ton, meaning good manners or “in the fashionable mode” – characteristics held as ideal by the British ton.

Pronounced as TONE. Now I know.

Follow me on TwittahI promise I won’t spam you! Much.

After seeing the crazy hit count, Happy Warm and Fuzzy comments, and even attention from the author, my husband (A Nice Young Gentleman) is now taking my little experiment seriously and has created for me a party mix! This is the same vocal track as the original track, just with his special touch.

And yes, I do mean special touch…

It’s really funny. And it’s right here!


A Nice Young Gentleman Edits Smut: Good Groom Hunting, Chapter 2. PARTY MIX!!

Click the odd level of nakedness above to buy it on Amazon! But don't read ahead. I'll know if you do...

This has been a busy week for ANYL:

  1. Post first recording, expect to send link to friend and get some lolz.
  2. Get 200 hits in the first day.
  3. Freak out.
  4. End week with blessing from super-cool author and husband going crazy with all the Foley sounds in GarageBand.
  5. Also got some free underwear from Victoria’s Secret with coupon.
Everything’s coming up Nice Young Lady!

ALSO! Follow me on Twittah to stay up with the latest readings! Do it! Do it now!

Now that you’ve humored me by reading the above, here’s your meat:

Ohhhhh shiz

Ohhhh goodness gracious.

I just saw all the comments I got.

Ohhh crap ohcrap ohcrap.

And here I thought I could just fly under the radar like the other 387295724 blogs out there, have fun, be stupid all by myself.

If you don’t want me to keep reading your book, I completely understand, Ms. Galan!! I’m so sorry!!!! You can point me toward an author you really hate and I’ll read hers!

But I’ve got to admit, happy comments make me happy. Thankies all you lovely people. Bring em on.



I’ve got to say I’m incredibly surprised right now. Only after I submitted the description for the podcast for iTunes to approve did I see that they don’t allow erotica…


Especially because I had stuffed the search tags full of things like, I don’t know, sex and erotica and mature. 

What? I know what people like.

So there you go. The podcast will be searchable on iTunes in a day or so. Hopefully it also works. I’ve got to admit I have no idea what I’m doing.

What velvety breast skin, good sir. Dove for Men?

Chapter 1 of Good Groom Hunting, the first romance novel I got my paws on from the clearance rack, is now live! You can open it in a nice, discreet window right here:

A Nice Young Lady Reads Smut: Good Groom Hunting, Chapter 1

Soon I hope to have this available as a podcast as well.


Hello and welcome to my new experiment, A Nice Young Lady Reads Smut. In this blog and podcast, I seek to enlighten the Interwebz with the subtle sensuality and comedic genius lurking inside every trashy romance novel in the back room of my local used book store. I will read one chapter a week and post the resulting product (which may or may not be completely inappropriate for all human beings). Enjoy!